Friday, July 9, 2010


The First High Sierra Rally (HSVROC) was held July 14 - 16, 2002.

It was the brain child of John M. "Hatrack" Hembree.

Friday night many gathered for the wonderful Seafood Buffet at the Topaz Lodge. Saturday was the Ride to Twin Lakes returning on the other side of the Walker River. Avoiding the thunderstorm until arriving at the Lodge. Saturday evening was the Big Feed provided by the Huntley's Barb "Krazlady" and "Krazbob".

Of course, being in Nevada, barely since 2 feet south crosses into California, there is a 24 hour Casino at Topaz Lodge. And also lots of "story telling" around the motel and adjoining RV park.

Sunday breakfast and farewells as people headed away in every direction.

Seafood Buffet

Papa Cats, Slots, and Sherm seated.

Ride Rest Stop

Lunch on the Ride

Barb 4E and Krazbob Huntley

Fogrider from San Francisco rides a Nomad in the City

Jestrick in the High Sierras

Lips, Krazlady, and Redd Dog at Twin Lakes

Group at Twin Lakes

Ute Mike at Sonora Pass

Compression by  Storm Technology�, Inc.100Nq

Colorful "Tiny" at 6'6"

Don "VSP" Inamasu

Ute Mike, Larry, Marc "Odd", and Barb 4E

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Marles, Lars, and Barb

Papa Cats and Warrior Woman

Roxy, Scorpion, and Marles

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Redd Dog, Cat, Slots, and Roxy

Linda Sublow, Nitelite (exposed), and TC

Krazlady cooking

Big Feed

Big Feed

Scorpion, Bikerdad's family and Bikerdad

Scorpion, Krazbob and Horny

The 4E's

TC on the Meanie

Sherm on his Wing

HSVROC 2002 - The Movie

By Barb Foree is an idea for a great movie: .....
Genre: Western
Setting: The Beautiful Sierra Nevada Mountains

Producer: Hatrack and The Huntleys - Their responsibilities are to shepherd the riders -- a task very much like herding cats. They do a remarkable job! Their hard work is what ultimately makes this a box office smash.

Cast of Characters:

T.C - The hero of the story. The great friend who travels into the sunrise and into the sunset through the hot, vast desert in July to accompany his compadres. (Played by Tom Pansarasa)

Lips - The guy who makes every trip more meaningful through his appreciation of the scenery and the life around him. He values every view and event and joyfully shares. (Played by Jeff Douthett)

Seeker - The tease. He only shows up for a short part, shares his brilliant personality, and then takes off...leaving you wanting more. (Played by Loren Fiedler)

Shoeless - The clever, extremely intelligent man who has an amazing ability to make everyone feel comfortable and special. He is the savior of the fair

Gwenavaire (different movie). He also is rather "crappy" at gambling. (Played by Kelly Sprankle)

Phil - The kind local who takes in the waifs and strays and fills them with food and spirits and his delightful personality. The riders leave him wishing he had a iron horse so that he might join them. (Played by Phil Sprankle)

Dr. Chrome - A genuine, friendly person. He makes everyone feel like they have been friends forever. He is also clever enough to place varieties of brandy in his pockets to share with the ladies. (Played by Sherman Acord)

Scorpion - The comic genius....with the energy of Robin Williams. He will make everyone laugh continuously. A devoted servant who takes care of apparel problems. A great hugger - almost as good as Jerry (Pop Pop). (Played by Steve Thurgood)

Roxy - She is the self-assured women with grace. She should be the new queen, Scorpion. (Played by The One and Only Roxy)

Utemuke- The guy you always wanted at the fact, he WAS always at the party. Keep on Truckin' Dude. (Played by Mike Bernard)

Cat - Named after a cat, but more like a fox. Yeah .. she is nice, fun, adorable, and clever, but look out...right when you are doing something weird, she will be there with a camera. (Played by Karen Benson)

Captain Scott - The mysterious man who arrives covered in grime after a long ride. Everyone celebrates when they discover that it is the captivating Craig from Canada under all that grime.. He is the trailblazer equipped with the map ball. (Played by Craig Scott)

Slot - The giver of light. (Played by Paul Manske)

Ham - He is the traveler who rides in on his new horse, fills the room with pleasure, and then before you can say goodbye, he is off again.

Oddball & Jean - The now happily employed smiling man with a beautiful girl on his arm. A girl so fantastic that even though thrown from theiron horse, she smiles radiantly. They will later become very wealthy at the slot machines. They do not make many appearances for some reason. :) (Played by Marc Schifer and Jean)

Lars: Cigar smokin' gambler who is loads of fun. Does have a case of pipe envy for Steve's Mean Streak custom pipes. It is "baffling" how his iron horse can produce those rear-end noises. (Played by Larry Benanti)

Marles- AKA Marla, Martha, Merla.... A women of various names, but always enjoyable no matter what you call her. Soon to be in the Italian production.

Bob - The Antagonists - Tries to lure the unsuspecting into wanting his evil iron horse, Harley; but the others are far too wise to fall into his trap.

Fogrider Ken - True to his name, he meets with many, but disappears into the fog before the writer can get a chance to know him better. (Played by Ken Kalstein)

Redd Dog - He is the enjoyable dude who aids the inebriated by wearing his name on all his shirts. (Played by Stan Jake)

Jest - The dashing young man in a Rocket jacket. He is the token good-looking guy. This is not said in "jest". (Played by Rick "Jest")

Bikerdad and Mom - The parents we want for all our children. Great folks! Lovely children. Amanda the hugger, Cassie the code breaker, and Bobby who loves it when old ladies pinch his cheeks...not. Bikerdad, along with Steve Lacewell, secretly celebrate their birthdays. (Played by Bob and Barb Lineaweaver and their wonderful children)

Steve & Guy - The great brains behind the iron horses who also provided the well-chosen background music of Led Zeppelin. They entice the others with chrome trinkets and thunderous pipes. (Played by Steve Lacewell and the other "Guy")

Warrior Women & Papacats - They are the loving couple. He quietly waits for her to feel better. The finest example of true love.

Barb (Krazlady) - The hard-working women who made sure everyone was fed and smiling. She and Barb Lineaweaver are the good Barbs. (Played by Barb Huntley)

Krazbob - Definitely crazy...but this is a good thing. (Played by Bob Huntley)

Nite Lite - Even more crazy than Krazbob. (Played by Howard Sublow)

LilFORDchick151- Probably the only really sane person in the group. She is the one working behind the scenes to make sure everyone is doing well. (Played by Laura Sublow)

Fred - Cold ....but only cuz he does not have a jacket. Warm in personality. (Played by Fred "Always Horny" Hornblower)

VSP, Gadget (AKA Tiny?) and others - These are the extras, cuz next time we need to take some extra time to really get to know them better. As with all major productions, this one ran out of time. (Played by Don Inamasu and Douglas Richards and others)

Brant, Harry, Randy, and Dan Radigan - Don't have a clue...but I remembered their names.

Plot: A couple from a small town in Northeastern Arizona are joined by a make that a motorcycle travel to several small towns where they meet up with many fascinating buddies who spend a few days marveling at the scenery; but more importantly, eating groceries, drinking rot gut, and spreading large amounts of bullshit. Too soon, they must return home, so with heavy hearts they leave.

The closing song:
Happy Trails to You ... until we meet again.
The couple ride home, handle bar to handle bar, with the sunset behind them in the 105 degree heat with their only goal of reaching home..............Whoa! Wait a minute isn't that..... Laughlin?........

Thanks to all! We had a great time!!

Barb 4E
1500 Classic
Holbrook, AZ



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